Join hosts, TwoPlySheets and N7XeroCrimson as they discuss news and more from around the Video Game Industry

Hello I am TwoPlySheets. I am in my 40's and have been a gamer all my life. From my first system a Atari 2600, I received for Christmas to my current system Xbox Series S, gaming has always been a major part of my life.
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Hello, my name N7XeroCrimson. I have been playing games since I was like 5 years old. That puts me around 25 years of playing. I am not one of those gamers that grinds all spare time in games. I will play when I can but my favorite genre would be FPS or action RPGs. I have always tried to be positive and always look for the best in games unless its Call of Duty lobbies. COD can be so toxic and it's fun. I will see you out there on Xbox if you have it and remember be the change you want in the world.